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samedi 22 décembre 2018

Quantum wisdom V : Stay Open to Direct Communication from the Ancestors

The Grandmother

"Direct contact with the spirits of the ancestors can be cultivated through ritual practices; however, communication may also happen spontaneously in forms such as dream contact, waking encounters, and synchronicity. When we have a framework to receive their outreach, their work is made easier and we are open to the enjoyment of conscious, ongoing relationship.

The ancestors can often reach even the most sceptical of descendants with a well-placed, emotionally charged dream. Not all dreams of the dead necessarily involve direct spirit contact, and discerning when an ancestor is actually trying to get through is not always easy; however, contact dreams are often accompanied by the felt sense of actually meeting with the deceased loved one. These dreams may include receiving a message or some kind of healing around the loss that accompanied the loved one’s death. If the dream has the quality of contact and the deceased seems in distress, you may offer direct prayer, healing ritual, and positive energy toward their elevation and happiness. If the ancestor seems well in spirit, simply being open to their visit supports future dream contact and other forms of relationship."

Source : five-ways-to-honor-your-ancestors/

vendredi 21 décembre 2018

Quantum Wisdom IV : relating to our ancestors to understand who and what we are.

The Grandfather

"Your destiny is not predetermined. In connecting the dots, you can easily create your own reality. The scientific discovery of the early 1900’s using the ‘Double Slit Experiment’ sets the stage for understanding how you as the ‘Observer’ of your life can influence the outcome and reality you experience. 
Using the theory of Quantum Mechanics which was validated by Albert Einstein and other Physicists and Scientists, each one of us can work out how to use these principles to select and create the reality we choose. Admittedly the ‘why’ it works is not fully understood by anyone, however the scientific proof that it does is irrefutable.  

This is where science meets woo woo. 

The bottom line assertion is that since we know it works – then why not use it to your greater good. Your destiny is not predetermined. You get to choose how your life unfolds and transforms by way of Quantum Experience and Quantum Wisdom. Although many people share their insights about the immutable universal laws such as the Law of Attraction, very few people take the left brain approach to explain the workings of these powerful laws. Once you begin to understand the truth and the proof behind the science of Quantum Reality you will be better positioned to embrace and use this gift we have been given by our maker."

Source : Quantum Wisdom – The Secret Science of Manifesting Your Reality by Clarence Caldwell

jeudi 20 décembre 2018

Quantum Wisdom III : Weaving ties between past, present & future.

The Great Mother 

"The Great Mother as a primordial image of the human psyche. In his landmark book The Great Mother - An Analysis of the Archetype, Erich Neumann draws on ritual, mythology, art, and records of dreams and fantasies to examine how this archetype has been outwardly expressed in many cultures and periods since prehistory. He shows how the feminine has been represented as goddess, monster, gate, pillar, tree, moon, sun, vessel, and every animal from snakes to birds. Neumann discerns a universal experience of the maternal as both nurturing and fearsome, an experience rooted in the dialectical relation of growing consciousness, symbolized by the child, to the unconscious and the unknown, symbolized by the Great Mother." The Book of Symbols

" She is the force that drives creation and destruction, fecundity but also the barren womb. The Great Mother is Mother Nature who brings us fruit and grain but also hurricanes, drought, and locusts. She is Gaia, Demeter, Isis, and all the other goddesses from the beginning of time who have been worshipped and propitiated, demonized and thrown out.  She is not our birth mother, she is the psychic heritage of what motherhood attains, and she carries within her the poles of good and bad mothers that come down to us through fairy tales and myths." Dale M.Kushner, Trancending the past.

“These are three essential aspects of the mother: her cherishing and nourishing goodness, her orgiastic emotionality, and her Stygian depths.” Carl Jung, Four Archetypes.


mardi 18 décembre 2018

Quantum Wisdom II : Relating to Our Own Self

The Great Grandfather

"Handing down knowledge through the ages, pouring our oral gold into the next young vessel in our lineage, is a way of reminding ourselves that there is only one self. As our manifest form transforms, we are to remember the source of it has never changed.

Through our embodied experience we are offered an opportunity to refine the mirror that reflects this source, so that we can come to know who we are even through the most twisted lens. We continuously and always have the chance to harness this opportunity."

souce :

vendredi 14 décembre 2018

Quantum Wisdom : relating to our Ancestors.

The Great Grandmother

"We are the culmination of all our lineage has ever been, all the knowledge gathered, the trials and errors, the explorations, the traumas and the breakthroughs. All of this is contained in the blueprint of our being, and we reap the benefit of this cumulative effort. We are at the crest of our ancestral wave, and hold the legacy and determination of this tide.
 As flame-bearers of the light of our predecessors we carry this forward, and those that come after us benefit from how we nourish and guide it. We also have the capacity while we are embodied to remedy things in our lineage that may be out of alignment and unresolved."

source :

mercredi 12 décembre 2018

Off grid

Off beat
Off track
Off balance

Out of time
Out of touch
Out of reach

So very far away

dimanche 9 décembre 2018

Being Alive.

Deep sea diver, she casts her net,
and yet swims down deeper below,
where the light is transfixed to go, into the darkness...into the abyss
where a seeming ominous world is really filled with goodness that is luminous

But only few have ever travelled to....
For the body and mind must be prepared, must be developed and strengthened
to see that light that blinds
and still come out the other side.

For it can break you in two if you are not ready.
It can shatter all of you,
and all of you will be left to pieces,
shambles of the self you knew.
Like Humpty Dumpty, who will pick you up?
Who will put you back together?
Only the force that made you could.

But before then, you will be left on the border
of divinity and madness, swimming through the tides
of aliveness
with your unconscious wide open
with the powers of creation and destruction at your grip
with the unseen world louder and brighter and more real
than anything else the body could see or hear.

The inner world will rage and roar like a carnival.
Up will be down, down will be up.
The flaming dragon will fling you to every side
with no remorse or restraint
only fire burning in his eyes.

Right will become wrong, wrong will make no more sense,
and blurring insanity will have filled your cup
until it is overflowing again
into a pool of illusions

With glimpses, you will see,
See so crystal clearly
for sanity will wake back up

And then you will slip back into the darkness and depths
that none around have travelled, so how can they help you climb back up?
No, no, something else must do it....
the inner Saviour must come find you,
must take your hand and guide you

into the clear waters of redemption
into the good earth of your amendment
where all is balanced and retained
both the moisture from the rain
and the Sunlight's nutrients penetrating deep
into your Soul's enclave.

You are going to need it all.
All Nature must come alive within
and make its home in your heart.
All elements must become the family that supports and nourishes,
become the members that grow you and know you
and teach you and learn you

Back in, back out....
sanity starts peaking in
reaching in to your body and mind
till you again have your sight
for this world
for that which you see

And all that you see, that cannot be seen
will become a language between secret friends
and talking and communicating and understanding
will become easy

and you will find yourself happy about this descent.
You will be happy you unravelled out and back again
and are no longer cursing the pains of the world inflicted upon you
by the ignorance of man.
You will come to see the glory that lives in all of them too
and this world will become only, yet unimaginably beautiful to you.

Everything in it....the mad, the sad, the artful and the bore
all will come to be delighted in
and find temperance and feeling for
living inside the softness which cannot be maimed
inside the glow that reflects all rays.

Yes, surely this is what all the madness was for
to get us kneeling on our hands and knees
in utter awe of all the beauty that stands before
poised with the brilliance of sobriety
that comes with the hum of a quiet mind
which melts the heart with wonder and gladness
simply at the experience of being alive. 

jeudi 6 décembre 2018


A term found in theosophical writings equivalent to Primordial Space or Akasa. 
In Greek mythology it refers to the “Great Deep” or “Abyss” in cosmogony. It is the pre-cosmic substance before the universe came into manifestation, equivalent to the MULAPRAKRTI of the Hindus, the BYTHOS of the Gnostics and the “Waters” of Genesis.  
The Oxford Dictionary defines chaos as “the formless void of primordial matter.” The word is now encountered in a number of different contexts and with different connotations. 
There is of course the common usage with the meaning “without order;” then there is the meaning ascribed to it in theosophical writings; finally, it has emerged in the expression “chaos theory” used in physics. 

Chaos Theory is a popular expression which has gained general acceptance over the more explicit “Theory of Complex Systems.” This theory has emerged largely due to the availability of powerful computers. 
Typical of this is the so-called “butterfly effect” first reported by the meteorologist Edward Lorenz who programmed a computer to predict weather conditions arising out of the circulation of the atmosphere. He found that an extremely small variation in the input to his equations resulted in surprisingly large variation in output, thus, the popular press disseminated the idea that the movement of a butterfly’s wing in one hemisphere can change the pattern of the weather in another; this is an unverified extrapolation of Lorenz’s statement and most unlikely. 

Helena P. Blavatsky views the term “chaos” in the light of its Greek origin and equates it with the Greek word “Chaino,” to gape or yawn. In many theosophical contexts “chaos” is used as a synonym for akasa, a Sanskrit word meaning, in its simplest sense, “space,” but it is possible that confusion could result from such use. 
Regardless of the original intent, the popular meaning of the word “chaos” is “complete disorder,” which is not what the Sanskrit word akasa means. Akasa  is described by Blavatsky as, “the subtle, supersensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space” 

dimanche 2 décembre 2018


Why! who makes much of a miracle?
As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles,
Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan,
Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky,
Or wade with naked feet along the beach, just in the edge of the water,
Or stand under trees in the woods,
Or talk by day with any one I love—or sleep in the bed at night with any one I love,
Or sit at table at dinner with my mother,
Or look at strangers opposite me riding in the car,
Or watch honey-bees busy around the hive, of a summer forenoon,
Or animals feeding in the fields,
Or birds—or the wonderfulness of insects in the air,
Or the wonderfulness of the sun-down—or of stars shining so quiet and bright,
Or the exquisite, delicate, thin curve of the new moon in spring;
Or whether I go among those I like best, and that like me best—mechanics, boatmen, farmers,
Or among the savans—or to the soiree—or to the opera,
Or stand a long while looking at the movements of machinery,
Or behold children at their sports,
Or the admirable sight of the perfect old man, or the perfect old woman,
Or the sick in hospitals, or the dead carried to burial,
Or my own eyes and figure in the glass;
These, with the rest, one and all, are to me miracles,
The whole referring—yet each distinct, and in its place.

To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle,
Every square yard of the surface of the earth is spread with the same,
Every foot of the interior swarms with the same;
Every spear of grass—the frames, limbs, organs, of men and women, and all that concerns them,
All these to me are unspeakably perfect miracles.

To me the sea is a continual miracle;
The fishes that swim—the rocks—the motion of the waves—the ships, with men in them,
What stranger miracles are there? 

Walt Whitman