Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

dimanche 10 septembre 2017

Last quotes from : A return to love by Marianne Williamson.

" Life is much more than the life of the body; it is an infinite expanse of energy, a continuum of love in countless dimensions, a psychological and spiritual experience independent of physical form. We have been alive forever. We will be alive forever more. But the life of the body is an important classroom. It is an opportunity to deliver the world from Hell.

- Hell is what the ego makes of the present.
- Heaven is a decision I must make.

Love takes more than crystals and rainbows, it takes discipline and practise. It is a radical commitment to a different way of being, a mental response to life that is completely at odds with the thinking of the world. Heaven is a conscious choice to defy the ego's voice."

lundi 4 septembre 2017

Visiteur du jour

Selon la légende amérindienne qui dit que les papillons portent nos souhaits au Grand Esprit (pour plus d'infos : 
et en l'adaptant un peu puisque je n'ai capturé mon visiteur qu'à travers l'objectif de mon appareil photo :
que cette rentrée et cette année soit aussi légère et douce que le vol d'un Myrtil.