Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

mardi 27 septembre 2016

How far can one go...

... to encounter one's shadow-self again ?

How far must one go... 

... to escape one's own insanity ?

jeudi 15 septembre 2016

The Messenger

"When Eagle comes flying into your life:
It is time to reconnect with your spiritual path. It’s time to listen too and heed your spiritual directives as well as your heart and to allow them both to lead the way for you at this time. When you can find yourself in this state of flight then all the doors will open and the directions you need to follow will be made clear. Like a beacon – your heart will follow the light."
source :


vendredi 9 septembre 2016


"During the next 24hrs, on September 9th, 2016, we will move through a very powerful energy portal known as the triple 9 gateway.

September is the ninth month of the year and from the perspective of numerology, this date of September (9) 9th, 2016= 2+0+1+6=9, offers us the pinnacle of a powerful time of completion and new beginnings known as the 9.9.9.
Emmanuel Dagher


mercredi 7 septembre 2016

Brève rencontre I

" Nos âmes ont des besoins invisibles 
pour les yeux du corps.
Elles se nourrissent de la beauté du monde, 
du chant d’un oiseau, de quelques notes de musique, 
d’un rayon de soleil sur la neige.
Elles se nourrissent de connaissance, 
d’études, de savoir.
Elles se nourrissent de relations aimantes, 
d’échanges désintéressés, 
de communion avec tout être vivant, 
de don de soi.
Elles se nourrissent de partage, 
de justice, 
de fraternité." 
Frédéric Lenoir