Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

mardi 7 avril 2020

Tuesday, midday.

Jasmine scented silence 
The sun is slowly rising
Spring is pushing sap up 
Making buds blossom


samedi 4 avril 2020

Allez viens...

... il n'y a jamais eu ni temps ni espace 

 Hier - Aujourd'hui - Demain - Toujours

Là - Là-bas - Ailleurs - Dedans
 Bénarès, Ganga Ma.

Chaalal, the Parvati Valley.

jeudi 2 avril 2020

Come away with me...

...close your eyes 
and forget all about 
the here and the now

 If you had a choice :
would you prefer to delve into Paris or into London?
Would you rather use your soles on Montmartre's pavés 
or on West End's asphalt?
Would you go for a glass of red wine or a pint of lager?

Where would choose to get lost?
Where would you imagine falling in love with somebody?
Where would you see yourself partying as if there was no tomorrow?
Where would you picture yourself in two years' time?

Have a wonderful time delving deeper into your sacred self.