Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

lundi 28 janvier 2019

Quantum wisdom VII - The Dreamwalker


A dreamwalker is one who works with and within the dream to understand, to create, to heal, to meet with elderhearts, to journey this realm (out of body), to work with other worlds and realms, to teach, … to be one with the ultimate ONE.

Souviens-toi de tes rêves,
observe-les comme un territoire inconnu
car ils viennent des profondeurs de toi-même,
porteurs d'un conseil, d'un message
ou d'un avertissement.
Les rêves spirituels se distinguent
des rêves ordinaires
par l'intensité de leurs couleurs
et la force de l'émotion,
comme l'or se distingue du métal vulgaire.
Ils viennent dans un esprit
capable d'émerveillement,
qui regarde à l'intérieur de lui-même.
Sers-toi des rêves pour guérir, aimer
ou soulager ceux qui souffrent.
Sagesse amérindienne

lundi 14 janvier 2019

Morning Walk by the Lake

First outing in ages...
Sprained my left ankle and couldn't walk properly for a while
Got ill with the flu and couldn't stand properly for a couple of weeks
Recovered just about and it was time to fly to Porto for the last days of 2018
Did my right wrist wrong while putting the suitcases up during the return flight
Unable to do much for a few days... 

What a blessing to be able to make to the Lake this morning!
Now going to take it slow until my body agrees I can start jumping up and down again...
I guess I must be getting old...

mercredi 9 janvier 2019

Porto Part I

Some journeys change the way you look at the world
Some journeys reshape you from within
Some journeys help you grow 
Some journeys make you wonder
Some journeys wake you up
Some journeys turn you upside down
 Some journeys give you a hell of a ride
Others might alter your ability to think

None leaves you untouched 

C.C. 9th.Jan.2019.

mercredi 2 janvier 2019

The Ancestors Series : The All Seeing eye aka big bother.

Second day of the year. 
And I am already forgetting the words...
I have posted my New Year wishes. 
I won't be tagged for being late or forgetful.
It does get better as you grow older, doesn't it?
Great timing. Well done to me!
 We can now proceed with the rest of the tasks.
As for instance my "Meet the Ancestors" Series.
Had been posting a few pictures of a new project that sprAng up
Inside my head during the last month of 2018. 
Over the last few weeks indeed.
But I paused for while. For a little trip while.
Every time I travel, I disconnect for a bit.
I do not use my phone much. it is not smart. It is just a phone. But it does a great job of picking up the messages and the calls when I am not available. And that's all I need from a phone.
 It does worry me to see so many people starring blandly at a little grey dark rectangle of technology almost implanted inside the palm of their hand. And when they occasionally happen not to be hooked on some kind of immensely life-enhancing information,
it buzzes, it beeps; sometimes it even make freaky sounds to let you know you've got a message, 
or a "like", 
or a "wow" 
or a "loveyoudarlingyouaresoamaaziing!!!😝#IloVeU4rEAL!😈"
Quick, quick! Quit whatever, whoever you are doing, meeting, fucking... 
Oops, the words are coming too fast, my fingers are letting me down...
Anyway, yes! It does worry me to see so many people, from all age groups - at least the old and the young have something in common these days, you could argue, and I'd have to agree - completely, so totally, so utterly, under the influence of a new kind of opium.
... ?
 Seems like I am getting carried away ...

Forgive my little circumvolution here.

Back to my little explanation of the "Ancestors Series".

I have been having recurring dreams. Strange but not scary.
Rather peaceful and spellbinding
So then I have begun to materialize the visions in my dreams.
And naturally my Fire Pictures - the so many pictures I took few years back of the Fire in the fire place - came in the... picture!
Fire impersonating Ether.
Delirious idea but... Why not?
Now is a good time to be absurd and unusual.
As if I ever needed any alibi to justify any unconventional thinking or behaviour...

So let's fall into insanity like we fall in love. 
Deeply, madly, selfishly. Time is ripe.
So here comes a Series where Fire becomes Ether.
To help me re-compose the "things" I see in my sleeping state.
When I have a talk about the Ancestors with the Ancestors.

And what it is to be human today!
They keep laughing their head off.
Wise enough not to take the trip back.

mardi 1 janvier 2019

For this new year...

Let's pretend we can start all over again
And erase all that didn't go too well
In the previous years...
 Let's make it a brand new beginning!

For you and I, I wish
To be strong enough to love 
As we had never been hurt

To be kind enough to ourselves 
To keep our human bodies and spirits 
In the best possible health

To be tenacious enough to spread peace
Within as much as around
Far and deep

To be compassionate enough to create
A brand new society where all beings
Can live together in love, care and respect

To be forgiving enough that 
It is going to take time
But we have all the time

So let's be patient!

And grateful for what we have.

I wish you all 
Wonderful terrestrial beings
A great brand new year!
