Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

samedi 24 janvier 2015

Au milieu de l'hiver,
J'ai finalement appris
Qu'il y avait en moi
Un invincible été.
A. Camus 

samedi 17 janvier 2015

The light Bearer

"The world will eventually turn towards the light
 when it has experienced enough darkness. 
When the world can find power in love
it will no longer need fear.
Be your truth, that is all you can do,
and allow the world to follow its path 
until it is ready to make its own transformation."


jeudi 15 janvier 2015

l'impermanence du monde

A voir ces milliers de pèlerins
Se quitter puis se disperser,
Je songeai qu'en vérité c'était là
Le spectacle de l'impermanence
des phénomènes.

Comme les nuages d'Automne,
La vie est éphémère.
Nos parents, nos proches ne sont
que des passants sur la place du marché.

Telle la rosée sur le bout des tiges,
La fortune est évanescente.
Telle une bulle à la surface de l'eau,
Le corps est fragile et transitoire.

Les phénomènes du monde
Conditionné sont futiles :
Seul compte le chemin spirituel
La chance de s'y consacrer
N'apparait qu'une fois: maintenant.


vendredi 9 janvier 2015

mercredi 7 janvier 2015

« Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je me battrai jusqu'au bout pour que vous puissiez le dire »
Evelyn Beatrice Hall.

mardi 6 janvier 2015

4-leaf clover

"In the early days of Ireland, the Druids believed that they could see evil spirits coming when they carried a shamrock, or three-leaf clover, giving them a chance to get away in time! They thought four-leaf clovers offered magical protection, and warded off bad luck."

So yes! I am feeling extremely blessed today. 
My sweet little girl found this 4-leaf clover years ago, still a toddler, rolling in the grass.
After we managed to bring it home safely, it was put to dry between the pages of a big book...then forgot about it.
It sprang into our mind while talking about clovers:
- Remember Mama the 4-leaf one I found one day ? Where is it gone? Let's try to find it!
Well... Easier said than done. Finding a tiny plant among the many books and directories that hold quantity of dried and drying leaves, flowers and else, when you haven't got a clue about which book it could be, is close to looking for a needle in a haystack ...
So we tried, didn't succeed and eventually forgot about the whole thing.
Many years have passed.
This morning as I was going patiently through my books and directories, looking for a perfect leaf, well two actually, to add onto the cover of a photo-album cover I am binding for a client, what do I see?

I called off my search for a moment, found a little frame, cut a piece of ivory card board and fixed the 4-leaf clover between the two, so that it would not be lost again.
Could not resist sharing that little story and spreading the radiant luck it might bring!

lundi 5 janvier 2015

The wolf moon

 photo M.M.

The resourcefulness of the Wolf might help us 
reconsider our options in life.  
Whatever seems bleak or lame in our life
could just be an invitation for new beginnings.