Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

lundi 27 mai 2013


"…aesthetic pleasure in the beautiful consists, to a large extent, in the fact that, when we enter the state of pure contemplation, we are raised for the moment above all willing, above all desires and cares; we are, so to speak, rid of ourselves."
A. Schopenhauer.


samedi 25 mai 2013

La Voce della Luna


Some Days are Simply


Thank You.


lundi 20 mai 2013

Orchis : A Limited collection of Gaïa's Amazing Jewels.

orchis x loreziana
platanthera bifolia

orchis simia
orchis mascula

orchis ustulata

orchis x penzigiana

orchis purpurea  

ophrys sphecodes

himantoglossum hircinum

himantoglossum robertianum

platanthera bifolia

orchis pyramidalis

orchis provincialis

jeudi 16 mai 2013

Still standing

Amid the storms and the tourments
Alone yet not lonely
When everything could just collapse
When most people are going mad

Keep your head up
And start rowing
It only takes one
To make a change


lundi 13 mai 2013

Hide & Seek with Tiboo

Whatever you are trying to do, 
Cats often get an idea of what you should be doing instead.
And more often than not, they know exactly 
What a good day should be about:
Playing hard, dreaming high, having fun, 
Laughing Out Loud... 

dimanche 12 mai 2013


Sometimes you hear music
Echoing through your thoughts
You hum you sing
Your body moves evenly and smoothly
Almost imperceptibly
Like a palm tree swaying in the tropical heat

Then one day you realize the music
Comes from as far away as deep inside
Loud and crystal clear
New words announce themselves unbidden
Your body is taking shape gradually
Like a fruit it ripens
Till it becomes the perfect vessel
For your soul to expand

You are becoming you
Awakening to your real skills 
To your real goals
Singing and dancing like old times

Like nobody is watching
Like nobody is listening
Because there is nothing to hide
Because there is nothing to repress


jeudi 2 mai 2013

Ombres et Lumière...


Au crépuscule, au ras du sol,
Quelques herbes assez folles,
Pour se prendre au jeu des ombres
Et puis au loin, alors que la terre
Lui tourne bientôt le dos,
Boule incandescente de lumière dorée,
Ra inonde de son or mon regard.

Et vous qu'y voyez- vous ? 

