Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste

lundi 30 avril 2018

London in bloom.

The Ringlemere Cup,
one of only two known Bronze Age gold cups found in the UK.

JMW Turner, Battersea Church and Bridge, with Chelsea beyond? Watercolour.
W. Blake - The man who taught Blake painting in his dreams

Níkos Khatzikyriákos-Ghíkas
Níkos Khatzikyriákos-Ghíkas - Wild Garden
John Craxton - A priest
Book cover and inside drawing by John Craxton.

My little furry buddies...I've missed you so incredibly bad!

samedi 7 avril 2018

Right or wrong?


True or fake?
Faithful or deceiving?
Trustworthy or unreliable?
Devoted or disloyal?
Loving or indifferent?
Caring or irresponsible?
Honest or corrupt?
Virtuous or devious?
Impartial or unfair?
Conscientious or negligent?
Stable or unbalanced?
Reasonable or outrageous?
Compassionate or merciless?
Tolerant or prejudiced?

What do you know?