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vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Happy Chinese New Year of the Horse!

Chinese New Year is a spring festival that begins on the second new Moon after Winter Solstice, with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, this year.

The new Moon on January 30 at 11:20 pm PST (but listed as January 31 in many calendars) begins the year of the Wood Horse. This new Moon also starts the month of the Fire Tiger making energy very strong and lively as Horse year begins, a clear departure from the slower energy of the previous Water Snake year 2013. The Wood Horse year is a time of fast victories, unexpected adventure, and surprising romance. It is an excellent year for travel, and the more far away and off the beaten path the better. Energy is high and production is rewarded. 
Decisive action, not procrastination, brings victory. But you have to act fast in a Horse year. If you are not 100% secure about a decision, then don’t do it. Events move so quickly in a Horse year that you don’t want to gallop off in the wrong direction.

Welcome to the Year of the Horse, a very special sign in its own right. The Horse has a connection with Tai Yang (Chinese for sun) as well as Yang, or male energy, one of the two primal forces of the universe. Of the five elements, Wood is the most favourable for the Horse, and 2014 is also a Wood year. This is good for luck in general. So go ahead and take chances. The time is right. However, the Year of the Horse emphasizes thinking things through before you take action - no leaping before you look. This year, there are plenty of areas that hold great opportunities, including (but not limited to) travel, the great outdoors, fitness and your social life.

jeudi 30 janvier 2014

A throw of dice

Run down, exhausted and nearly overcome by a nasty microbes' attack
Unable to do much apart from sneezing, coughing and emptying packs of tissues
Best way to forget the hazy head and misty fog about is
To throw the dice and let them roll..

dimanche 26 janvier 2014




vendredi 24 janvier 2014

Gardiens du ciel...

Là haut tout là haut
Juste en dessous du ciel
Sans lien, ni attache, sans entrave,
Comme au temps jadis,
Tous et toutes
Mer, sable, pluie, soleil, arbres, humus, poussière, pierre... 

lundi 20 janvier 2014


Yesterday I fell on my head
And when I stood up again on my two feet
The Earth was in a right state
Black blood spurting from every crater
Dirt and filth being thrown in the air
Green and blue had become red 
Birds had vanished
Children were hungry
Clouds were sick yellow
The air was burning my lungs
O boy! what a bad dream it was, or was it not?

jeudi 16 janvier 2014

Workbench, cats & a busy schedule...

Here I am trying to get some work done on MY workbench
Here they are adamant the place is THEIR resting table
Here I stand up to go and fetch the camera so that I frame them giving me trouble
And here they stay pretending to be looking somewhere else.
And here I am laughing my head off
What else should I be doing anyway?

mardi 14 janvier 2014

The Pot

So it is that the pot is ready to be filled
Pour in it whatever you like and it will bear it
Sweet treats or bitter snacks, the choice is yours

mercredi 8 janvier 2014

Show time

Still-life with one pumpkin, two seashells, three apples...

All of sudden I find myself running out of time,

The pumpkin has an injury that keeps worsening
It badly needs to be made into a soup
But I fell for it first and foremost for its looks, 
So that I can not chop it into pieces before
It gave its one-night show
Quick find it partners, give them a scenario, 
Put them all on stage and hope they will rise up to my expectations

Will the pumpkin live up to its fifteen minutes 
Before the knife falls ?


lundi 6 janvier 2014

The first day of your life

It is like waking up after a long and deep slumber
So long and so deep that you don't ever remember any dream
Like the morning after, without the night before

When you open your eyes shapes and colours are dancing about
Thoughts are hazy, getting up is clumsy
You begin to sense that something is up

You are aware something has shifted inside
You feel like nothing before
Each and every part of you is now seeing, hearing, breathing

Overwhelmed at first, you know that everything is going to be ok,
And that in time, with Surrender, Faith and Love
It will all slowly falls into place.

mercredi 1 janvier 2014

A mijoter, méditer et savourer, chaque instant, avant, pendant, après, etc...

Sunrise over the 3 seas - Kanyakumari - 2001

Un zeste de folie
Une pincée de sincérité
Un brin de chaleur
Un soupçon d'authenticité
Une poignée de douceur
Un nuage de rêve
Une avalanche de paix, d'amour et de joie
Qui bouscule les habitudes
Et éveille les consciences.