Instants présents, conscients... bribes d'existence qui tissent peu à peu une histoire, une mémoire.
Bienvenue - Welcome - Namaste
samedi 29 juin 2013
mercredi 26 juin 2013
vendredi 21 juin 2013
Summer Solstice
"Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead.
In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea;
but seek it chiefly in yourselves.
For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life.
God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man.
God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit.
They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body.
They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God.
But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear.
I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God.
Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works?
And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"
Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace.
mercredi 19 juin 2013
dimanche 16 juin 2013
jeudi 13 juin 2013
Une petite histoire...
Celle d'un petit garçon
Blond comme les blés murs
Qui se promenait par un après-midi d'été
Sur les sentiers de Navacelles
Avec dans ses mains
Un bouquet de chardons
Sur son chemin il a croisé
Un joueur de violon
Qui accompagnait une conteuse
D'histoires fabuleuses et singulières
Et puis le reste,
C'est à vous de l'imaginer
Dans cette seconde à jamais figée
En même que le temps
De ce regard échangé.
lundi 10 juin 2013
lundi 3 juin 2013
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